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Letztes Update: 27.11.2024 01.53 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 27.11.2024 01.53 Uhr
Big Disappointment
von jjugessur (26.07.2008)
After using a Nokia 6288 and a Nokia 6300, I thought I should try a Sony Ericsson, so I chose the G502 which has turned out to be a big disappointment and practically useless. First it does not come with any UBS cable, memory card or software CD and you need to download the PC Suite from Sony Ericsson's website. Second, this phone is light and plastic and the colour screen nothing compared to Nokia. The worse however, is that after a week of trying, I have not been able to synchronise it with my computer. I have tried the PC Suite in both English and French and every time I get error messages when I start the synchronisation. Whether I use bluetooth or USB cable does not make any difference. In comparison, I have never had any problem with the Nokia phones. So I have decided never to buy any Sony Ericsson again either for myself or any member of my family.
Just to add another problem I have noticed. Every time I plug the phone for charging, it switches off and to turn it on again, I have to remove the battery and start again. I am wondering whether I can send it back to the supplier. The phone is rubbish.
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