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Letztes Update: 31.01.2025 06.58 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 31.01.2025 06.58 Uhr
Mixed feelings
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von EXIO88 (24.11.2022)
So, I am a Mx Performance /Master user since the first version.

Regarding the Hardware:
+ Its again a very comfortable mouse. The feeling is so smooth.
+ Love the silent click sound on both left and right buttons.
- But the middle button is not silent at all, its exactly the same as the previous version for me.

Regarding the software, so its here that starts the problem.
- This requires the use of Logi Options+ software which doesnt have an offline installer.
- Which means that if you are on a secure office environment, it will be very difficult to make use of the mouse functions.
- So then you basically have just an expensive mouse.
Btw, I already checked this with the Logitech Support.

In the end I recommend if and only if you are able to install the software first...
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