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Letztes Update: 21.09.2024 12.54 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 21.09.2024 12.54 Uhr
monitor failed after 3 months.
von donalwho (30.04.2009)
I use this monitor for network management and normal day to day usage.
It failed after about 3 months. HP had a replacement monitor at my front door within 22 hours of phoning them. Quite impressive.
Picture quality is really nice. I don't do any professional photo editing so I can't really comment on that level. But once it has had a few minutes to heat up it's really pleasant monitor to use all day. Versatile around the desk. Up down and tilt all work very well allowing the monitor to be placed where needed. 4 port USB hub is a nice add on and saves a lot of wire clutter.
I don't have any noise issues on standby as I power off the monitor along with all other external HDs and printers from a main switch at the end of the day. All in all, very happy and would buy it again. Nice price too.
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