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Letztes Update: 01.02.2025 20.37 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 01.02.2025 20.37 Uhr
217 Treffer
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The Explorer Progress Book supports the activities in the Numicon Geometry, Measurement and Statistics 5 Teaching Resource Handbook and offers an opportunity for teachers to assess individual children and monitor their progress.
CGP Books New Problem Solving & Reasoning Maths Activity Book for Ages 9-10 (Year 5)
zzgl. Versand:3.50
inkl. Versand:3.50
A colourful Maths Activity Book with engaging activities and word problems - at just the right level for children aged 9-10 (Year 5 of Primary school) to put their problem-solving and reasoning skills to the test.This book is filled with friendly characters and fun questions, perfect for learning at home or in class. Each topic is explained in easy-to-understand language, followed by activities ...
Oxford University Press Project X CODE Extra: Green Book Band, Oxford Level 5: Jungl
zzgl. Versand:3.50
inkl. Versand:3.50
Project X CODE Extra introduces more exciting adventure stories and stimulating non-fiction texts into the Project X CODE series, to provide additional practice outside of the core intervention sessions.In this adventure in the Jungle Trail zone, Cat and Tiger must think fast when Mini is trapped by the Spider-BITE.
Project X CODE Extra introduces more exciting adventure stories and stimulating non-fiction texts into the Project X CODE series, to provide additional practice outside of the core intervention sessions. Come on a BIG jungle adventure in this Jungle Trail non-fiction book.
Project X CODE Extra introduces more exciting adventure stories and stimulating non-fiction texts into the Project X CODE series, to provide additional practice outside of the core intervention sessions. What is the most deadly living thing in the sea? Come for a dive and find out in this Shark Dive non-fiction book.
In Tiger's Drum Kit Tiger's family wish Tiger would be quieter with his new drum kit so Tiger and his drum kit shrink. However, when Tiger gets trapped, he has to think of a way to use his drum kit to escape.This book is part of Project X Origins, a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school.
RHODIA Office Pro Book, 5 Register A4 119930C PP schwarz, kariert 160 Seiten
zzgl. Versand:9.90
inkl. Versand:9.90
Pearson ELT Maths Plus Word Problems 5: Teacher's Book
zzgl. Versand:3.50
inkl. Versand:3.50
Choose word problems relevant to your teaching from a selection of over 300 thought-provoking problems. Word problems is structured so that you can select problems relevant to your work for any week of the year.
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