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Letztes Update: 08.01.2025 08.01 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 08.01.2025 08.01 Uhr
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Level 2 Floppy's Phonics Sounds and Letters Books show all the sounds and graphemes from Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds in the context of Oxford Reading Tree scenes, packed with activities for practice and consolidation.
Oxford University Press Read Write Inc. Phonics: Sound Blending Book Bag Book 10
zzgl. Versand:3.50
inkl. Versand:3.50
Read Write Inc. Phonics Book Bag Books are engaging texts to support children with additional reading practice outside the classroom. The books are uniquely matched to the existing Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks to reinforce children's learning of phonics at the appropriate level, helping them to make even faster progress in reading.
Bond 11+ Maths Assessment Papers Book 2 for 9-10 years provide even more topic-based practice questions that set the foundation for success in SATs, common entrance or the 11+. This new edition contains full answers in the pull-out centre section. Ideal for parents and children to work through without extra research.
Oxford University Press Ball, K: Project X Origins: Brown Book Band, Oxford Level 10
zzgl. Versand:3.50
inkl. Versand:3.50
In Jungle Jar it's the opening day of a fantastic new eco exhibit but disaster has struck! Will Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger solve the problem of the mystery helpers? This book is part of Project X Origins, a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school.
A city can't just disappear - or can it? Join Gladstone Day as he explores the mysteries of the world's lost cities in this non-fiction book - Gladstone's Lost Cities. This book is part of Project X Origins, a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school.
Imagine getting lost forever or finding a secret hidden in the waves. Lose yourself in the short story, graphic story, play and poem in Lost in the Hills, A Message from the Past and other strange stories. This book is part of Project X Origins, a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school.
In Finding Rover Max promises to take good care of Rover but he doesn't. He loses him! Can Max find the little robot before someone else does?This book is part of Project X Origins, a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school.
In Operation Bubble Wrap, Hero Academy is under attack once again, but from whom? Axel is the only one who can save the day.This book is part of Project X Hero Academy, a fully decodable series designed to motivate young readers and turn them into reading superheroes.
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