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Letztes Update: 23.09.2024 05.19 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 23.09.2024 05.19 Uhr
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Wizards of the Coast - The Lord Rings: Tales Middle-earth(TM) Set Booster Magic Gathering EN
zzgl. Versand:0.00
inkl. Versand:0.00
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Set Boosters. Each Set Booster contains 12 Magic cards, 1 Art Card, and 1 token/ad card, Helper card, or card from The List (a special card from Magic's historyfound in 25% of packs). Every pack includes a combination of 14 card(s) of rarity Rare or higher and 37 Uncommon, 37 Common, and 1 Land cards. A Traditional Foil Land replaces the basic land in ...
Magic The Gathering The Lord of The Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Jumpstart Booster 2-Pack - Combine for 1 Jumpstart Deck (40 Cards, Including, Multi (D1528000)
zzgl. Versand:6.64
inkl. Versand:6.64
MAGIC TRIFFT DEN HERRN DER RINGE - Erlebe die geliebte Geschichte von Der Herr der Ringe mit dem strategischen Gameplay von Magic: The Gathering und stelle dich in spannenden magischen Schlachten gegen Gegner Treten Sie dem Feldschiff bei: Tauchen Sie ein in Mittelerde mit einzigartiger Spielmechanik und atemberaubender Kunst, die Sie in diese epische Geschichte ziehen Beste Booster zum Springen ...
Experience the epic story of The Lord of the Rings like you've never seen it before! Gear up for your first games with two The Lord of the Rings-themed decks. Each deck contains 1 Mythic Rare card with a shiny Traditional Foil treatment and 4 Rare cards, plus codes to unlock them both online on Magic: The Gathering Arena. The interactive online tutorial will take you through all the basics, and ...
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Set Booster Box contains 30 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Set Boosters and 1 Traditional Foil Box Topper card. Each Set Booster contains 12 Magic cards, 1 Art Card, and 1 token/ad card, Helper card, or card from "The List" (a special card from Magic's historyfound in 25% of packs). Every pack includes a combination of 1-4 card(s) of ...
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth(TM) Draft Booster Display - Magic the Gathering The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Draft Booster Box contains 36 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Draft Boosters and 1 Traditional Foil Box Topper card. Each Draft Booster contains 15 cards and 1 token/ad card or Helper card, including 1 card of rarity Rare or higher and 3 Uncommons,
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