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Cengage ELT The Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365® & Access® 2021 Comprehensive
zzgl. Versand:0.00
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Develop the Microsoft® Office 365 and Access skills you need to succeed in college and career with the trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen, project-based approach of THE SHELLY CASHMAN SERIES® MICROSOFT® OFFICE 365® & ACCESS® 2021 COMPREHENSIVE. Integrating real-world scenarios based on Burning Glass market insight data, this edition reinforces critical skills that equip you for success
Quickly master the nuances of Microsoft® Office with Illustrated Series® Collection, Microsoft® Office 365® & Access® 2021 Comprehensive, 2nd edition, part of the popular Illustrated Series. Its focused, student-friendly approach uses a proven two-page layout that enables you to work through an entire task without turning the page. Clear Learning Outcomes outline the skills for each lesson, ...
Cengage ELT New Perspectives Collection, Microsoft® 365® & Access® 2021 Comprehensive
zzgl. Versand:0.00
inkl. Versand:0.00
With an emphasis on critical-thinking, problem-solving and employability, Cengage's NEW PERSPECTIVES COLLECTION, MICROSOFT® 365® & ACCESS® 2021 COMPREHENSIVE helps you develop the Microsoft® 365® and Access® skills you need to be successful in college and your career. In-depth coverage is coupled with case scenarios that enable you to apply what you learn to real-world situations -- ...
Microsoft Access LTSC 2021 - Lizenz - NCE - Win Lizenz (DG7GMGF0D7FV:0001)
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