Aimed at Key Stage 1, this book features graded activities covering a range of topics such as Counting to 100, Time and Odds and Evens. It is Book 4 of a five part series.
Rapid Reasoning Tests provides short, effective, timed tests in reasoning. The series comprises six books of verbal reasoning tests and six books of non-verbal reasoning tests.
Aimed at the Key Stage 1 level, this workbook features many mathematical exercises providing practice in basic computational skills, including money. It covers such topics as Addition and Subtraction of numbers up to 100, Counting on, Division with 2s and 3s and Picture Problems.
Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting. In WriteWell 9: Fluency children start by fine-tuning their joined style to ensure it is comfortable and efficient.
Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting. In WriteWell 4: Capital Letters and Numbers, capital letters and numbers are organised into related groups to promote correct formation.
English Skills 4 Answers summarises for teachers and other helpers the key Focus of each set of questions and gives answers to facilitate marking. Writing task assessment sheets and Completed proofreading tasks are also provided.
Schofield & Sims English Skills provides regular graded practice to develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. English Skills 4 Answers contains answers to all the questions in the English Skills 4 pupil book, along with photocopiable assessment sheets and 'Focus' panels summarising the key learning point of each set of questions.
The Schofield & Sims English Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests.
The Schofield & Sims English Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests.
The Schofield & Sims Verbal Reasoning Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests.
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