I keep my promise to Mr. Sebastien and will share my experience with his Evenshop since he did not resolve my issue to my satisfaction and I want people to think twice before ordering from this webshop.
13.12.2023 I order a case for my Oneplus 9. Since I do not hear anything for 14 days I send an email to ask when my item will be shipped. I do not get any reaction. Jan 8th 2024 I send another message via whatapp asking again when I can expect a shipment, this is almost 1 month after I made my order. Two days later, Jan 10th, I receive a shipment message with appologies. I also receive a message that the case I ordered is not available anymore. The webshop at that moment still advertises that it is On Stock! Why?
Anyway a carbon case is proposed as alternative, which I accept as I need a case for my phone urgently now. Only on Jan 29th 2024 I finally receive a package after paying import fees of 27 Euro on top of the item price of 34euro.
For that price I receive a carbon cover in a previously opened and not new looking packaging. After taking the cover out of the package I find out that it does not fit my phone. Researching it I find out that it is a cover for a Oneplus 9R which cannot be used on the Oneplus 9. I am now left with a cover that does not fit my phone and that costed me 61euro! I contact Sebastien and ask him to rectify his mistake by paying me back the full money lost. In the end he pays me back the cost of the item, approx 34euro leaving me still with a loss of 27euro due to his mistake and incapability to treat a customer with respect. This is Feb5th 2024, two months after my order. At that time the item I ordered is still for sale and on stock on the wbeshop, leaving still the opportunity for people to order it and get dissappointed later! Today, March 3th it is removed apparently but the carbon version, which he propoesed to me and he can apparently neither deliver, is still for sale and claimed to be on stock. To me this is not serious and folling potential buyers. I rest my case.
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