Thor (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, C.Hemsworth / N.Portman)
Thor (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy, C.Hemsworth / N.Portman)
Thor (C.Hemsworth / N.Portman)
Braveheart (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, 1995, M.Gibson / J.Robinson)
Uncharted (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, 2022, M.Wahlberg / T.Holland)
The Lost City - Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, 2022, S.Bullock / D.Radcliffe)
Jurassic World: Ein neues Zeitalter (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, 2022, C.Pratt / L.Dern)
Jurassic World Trilogie (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, 2022, C.Pratt / L.Dern)
Thor: The Dark Kingdom (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, C.Hemsworth / N.Portman)
Thor: The Dark Kingdom (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, Mondo Steelbook, C.Hemsworth / N.Portman)
Jurassic World (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, C.Pratt / B.D.Howard)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Am Ende der Welt (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, J.Depp / O.Bloom)