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Letztes Update: 06.02.2025 15.56 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 06.02.2025 15.56 Uhr

MICRO MOBILITY Micro Explorer (EM0036)

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MICRO MOBILITY Micro Explorer (EM0036)

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MICRO MOBILITY Micro Explorer (EM0036)
7630053508487, 7630053526818, 7630053526856

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Nice design but deceiving
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Bewertung eines nicht registrierten Benutzers (03.04.2023)
The design is 10/10, but everything else about it is deceiving. The braking is unpredictable and dangerous, it is very hard to control and there is a delay between the moment you press the brake and the moment it actually brake, and It continues to brake for few tenth of a second after you release the brake lever. The drum brake would be the only option to brake in a predictable way but when you try to use it, it engage the full regenerative brake from the engine so it make an unpredictable and sudden braking with is emphasized by a low rigidity frame the handlebar.
- The twist throttle keep unscrewing, I had to rescrew it every 2-3 days.
- Was casually riding when it sudden started to brake due to that throttle, almost fell.
- The handlebar folding system broke after few month of use.
- The braking is inconsistent and unpredictable
- On Day it stopped working for no reason
- Sent it to micro and had to pay for the repairs (the 2 year warranty is only on the battery)
- It is only 250W not 500 like they try to make it seem. 500 W is only the peak power.
- Weak at going uphill (normal for 250W)
- The paint is really low quality and gets scratched very easily
- The power mapping is disastrous combined with an on/off throttle
- The throttle is unresponsive and doesn’t give power when needed but give full power when you don’t want it. Let me explain: the twist throttle does not distribute the power accordingly to the amount of rotation you give the the throttle, it acts as a on/off switch. In order to make it less brutale the engineer made the poor decision to give very low power at the beginning and increase the power the longer you keep the throttle on. The only difference between lightly engaged and fully engaged throttle is top speed. But this is useless there is many situation where I need full power like crossing a road and you give full throttle and it simply won’t accelerate. And there are situation where you want to go slow so you give light throttle but after few seconds it will just go full power. Why not put a throttle that actually control the power like on any two wheel vehicle??
- Different modes are useless.
- The folding system is really good once you got used to it
- Suspension are great
- Design is nice
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MICRO MOBILITY Micro Explorer (EM0036)

MICRO MOBILITY Micro Explorer (EM0036)

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