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Letztes Update: 23.11.2024 01.02 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 23.11.2024 01.02 Uhr
Problems / service
von costing (01.11.2008)
I bought the camera 6 months ago. It's an excellent camera, I was very happy with it considering the price. But one month ago the shutter button broke (instead of 2-step shooting it took the photo from the half press directly, without being able to focus and move). Since one month the camera is in the repair shop for the guarantee and they still didn't give me a time frame for the return. I'm very very disappointed with the service, I lost the opportunity to take photos on two nice trips because of them. Because of this my next camera will be either something else than a Panasonic or I will not send it for repair in Swiss ...
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