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Letztes Update: 02.02.2025 07.34 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 02.02.2025 07.34 Uhr
Awful Delonghi service and technical issues with machine
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Bewertung eines nicht registrierten Benutzers (24.11.2022)
I bought this machine about 10 months ago. Nothing exceptional but fine for it's value. After the first 4 months, I got an alert for descaling. I followed the manual after 4 days of the alert and the machine blocked!
I called the support service and they told me off because it was my mistake that I could read the alert and do the descaling immediately.
They asked me to send them the machine so they could fixed it but as it was my fault they would charge me.
Due to healthy issues, I am not able to move a 10kg machine around so I called a Delonghi technician, I paid 50 francs to pick up the machine and they fixed it. Surprisingly, my guarantee covered the cost, although I was told that it wouldn't. Was it really my fault or just a machine's issues?

After 2 months, I got the same alert for descaling. I followed the manual immediately and I got the same problem. I contacted support service again and they asked me to send them the machine.
For the last 3 months, I am trying to explain that it is not my fault, that I cannot transfer the machine due to health issues and that they need to find a solution as the machine blocks every couple of months and I cannot pay 50 francs every time to transport it!

Service is awful, they hardly ever reply and they just ask me to contact other departments.
The machine breaks continuously for no reason.

If you just want a machine that can make you a cup of coffee please make a favor to yourself and buy another one! I own this machine for 10 months and half of the time I was not able to use it! And of course there is no one there to solve my problems
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