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Letztes Update: 14.03.2025 09.05 Uhr
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Design flaw- no head support
Produkt wurde nicht empfohlen
Bewertung eines nicht registrierten Benutzers (15.01.2021)
The bench has a design flaw, preventing customers to perform safely some of the exercises namely "Benchpress", "Butterfly" and "Negative benchpress" seen on pages 13 and 14 of the manual respectively, because it doesn't support the head of the user. This is a health safety issue, as without head support the extra pressure on neck muscles can cause injuries to the customer.
When Hammer was contacted, proposing they would make it longer, they were defensive, and arrogantly stated "we have never had a problem with this model and so far it works for every customer.For this reason there is no reason to change the product.". Well it doesn't work for me!
This suggests a complete alienation of customer service and lack of vision towards continuous product improvement.
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