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Letztes Update: 28.01.2025 03.16 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 28.01.2025 03.16 Uhr
Great camera without a future
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von murgoiti@gmail.com (16.11.2019)
Alright, I debated for months or longer to come to a conclusion. I had a D800 which is perfect and shoots fantastic quality. Yet, I wanted to upgrade for a while and could not conclude whether to stay with a SLR or move to mirrorless. One reviewer stated that after a few weeks he wouldn't go back to SLR, this got me to buy the Z7. Despite the fact that I have about 7 prime lenses that I will have to slowly replace (did it back in Minolta-Konica times, unfortunately before the company was saved by Sony). For the time being, I got the 24-70 2.8. And that combination is the key advantage of the past: it is about 1 kg lighter than the same combination on my D800. I am sure the Z7 will accompany me to more trips as it is smaller too. Autofocus seems good to very good, for sure good enough to shoot pictures, but you can tell the DSLR still has the edge (I don't take videos). The electric view finder is great indeed, couldn't complain and yes, it is great to already see how the picture will look when shooting at night, great advantage of mirrorless. It instantly feels right and gets you to take pictures. And it is light! And considerably smaller as said - it does make a difference.

Of course there is much to complain. The Canon RF has a better design. The back wheel for the shutter was better integrated. Overall I am not that hot about the design, but none of the competitors shine. And the grip is good even for my relatively big hands. Most of the new lenses look cheap (again compared to Canon, even Tokina or Sigma have better looking lenses). The Nikon has retained some good features like the menu system, the on/off switch, the front wheel, but also moved a lot of the buttons around so that they cannot be reached easily without removing the hand from the grip… Also the program dial does not add much value, I preferred the previous 5 functions on the left top wheel much better. This brings me to the conclusion, yes, there are many things that I realise after the first hours of using it that could be different or better (a matter of opinion), but I also feel that I forgot about the main purpose: taking pictures. And here I am convinced I will have lots of fun with this compact package of a great camera, and you'll forget about all the little things that are not-quite-there-yet as they are unimportant when you take pictures. Forgotten to say, it is quiet!

The autofocus is the let down!
Indoors, the AF struggles in living room just when it's not too bright. It will not focus properly and at times it is hard to get it to focus again. The green focus light (as red cannot be seen by the sensor anymore) does a rather poor job with longer lenses.
For portraits of children indoors it will be a struggle to get many pictures. For landscape and city photography it will be fine.

Second thing to note is that you do need a XQD reader if you want to upgrade the firmware of the camera. In Switzerland you will be dishing out at least another 60 CHF for one - I ordered mine on Aliexpress for 20 CHF.

After a day of use, further small annoyance: if you set down the camera, the EVF will turn off and will take a moment each time you want to take a picture (I'd say about the same time as if you were turning on the camera) - too long.
And a major annoyance: The picture preview does not work at all. If you set it to the EVF and you keep taking picture, it is always interrupted by switching from showing the picture to live view again, just some tenths of a second, but long enough to make it useless. And when setting it to the monitor, it doesn't work as it used to - taking picture through viewfinder and then looking at it on the monitor. The picture is only shown if you are taking the pictures by looking at the monitor.
After a week of use, I am not so sure about Nikon's ambition to have a perfect camera. Besides the cheap looking lenses or a Noct lens for 10k, there is no 70-200 2.8 date announced yet. I even doubt the lens line-up was planned in parallel with the development of the camera. The green focusing light is placed so poorly at the body that the light is covered by the 24-70 2.8 tube completely, so it literally doesn't help to focus what so ever with this lens nor any that you mount with the FTZ adapter.

Conclusion: Do not buy this camera. Fan of Nikon or not. Nikon will disappear in the next 5 years and there won't be anyone to buy it and save the line-up… Invest into a brand that has the potential to be around when you have to rebuy all your lenses anyway.
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