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Letztes Update: 13.01.2025 03.24 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 13.01.2025 03.24 Uhr
Do not buy CEO Thomas Nauer does not care about customer service
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Bewertung eines nicht registrierten Benutzers (11.01.2025)
My partner was so frustrated by the poor design she ended up throwing it across the bathroom room! Firstly you need to read the manual to work out how to switch it on! When you do manage and set the air speed and temperature as soon as you pick it up to start drying your hand changes the setting. The button are exactly where your hand rests. There is a lock function, but it’s nearly impossible to activate and just as hard to deactivate, my partner ended up just unplugging it. WOW it’s like they never tested it. I sent it back to the Solis CEO Mr Thomas Nauer with a letter and they threaten to bin the product if I did not go to there offices and collect it. No refund - The CEO Thomas clearly does not care about customer service terrible. DO NOT BUY ANY PRODUCT from this arrogant Swiss company.
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