rapport d'élancement
taille de l'écran
46" (117cm)
résolution (native)
fréquence d'affichage native
100 Hz
fréquence d'affichage interpolée
consommation d’énergie pour 1000 heures
consommation d´électricité HDR pour 1000 heures
consommation électrique moyenne
240 W
consommation électrique (en veille)
Needless to say that the image quality with a Blu Ray disc is absolutely gorgeous. DVD's upscaled on the BD player are very good as well. But the best surprise is the quality of the regular TV picture. We are watching mostly Swiss TV channels and it is sometimes difficult to see any difference between the standard definition channels (TSR, SF. TSI) and HD Suisse, the high definition channel, which is accessible thanks to the integrated HD Sat receiver.
So far, the TV is not connected to the Internet or to my PC (actually, an aluminium iMac). So, I have not tested the Viera Cast or BD Live or iMac connection to show pictures or play music on the TV. No need for the moment, I'm very happy with the tV even without all these functions.