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Last update: 03.03.2025 06.16 shop registration
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  • You operate an online shop for Switzerland or Liechtenstein, and your company is entered in the commercial registry and is subject to value-added tax.
  • The prices displayed in your shop include value-added tax.
  • You update your offers and prices on a regular basis and can also provide us with this information as a CSV or XML file so it can be downloaded. If possible, this file contains the following data:
    • article number or Product ID
    • article description, including the manufacturer and product name (as detailed and precise as possible)
    • manufacturer article number or EAN/GTIN
    • deep link / product link
    • availability / delivery time
    • price in CHF incl. VAT and advanced recycling fee
  • Only the management or a person on behalf of the management may register!
  • If you as a visitor would like to propose a dealer, please use our contact form.
Note: This registration is non-binding!

This Internet page displays only price comparisons among different offers. There is no direct purchasing option or support. All information is provided without guarantee. All prices shown include VAT, an advanced recycling fee and the SUISA Swiss performing rights society deduction plus all shipping costs. Brand names, product descriptions, product images and trademarks used here are the property of the companies concerned. uses cookies for personalised content, website traffic analysis and advertisements. You agree to this use by using our website. You can find out more about cookies and options for controlling them in our Privacy policy.