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Last update: 22.02.2025 03.18

Imprint / Terms and Conditions

Imprint for the contents of this website, responsible within the scope of the following terms of use:

Toppreise Preisvergleich GmbH & Co.KG
Siebenbrunnen 1
D-89287 Bellenberg

Authorised to represent:
Jörg Schlimm
Uwe Hörmann

Responsible in the sense of § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Jörg Schlimm
Uwe Hörmann

Fax: +49 7306 9266-820

VAT ID: DE238184143

1. Scope of application of the terms of use

The terms of used laid out here are effective for all pages of the website of
In all cases, the terms of use that are in effect are those that can be called up at the time the user utilises specific services on
By utilising services on, the user automatically acknowledges these terms of use.

2. Content of the website

The website of Toppreise Preisvergleich GmbH & Co. KG (subsequently referred to as „“) is an information service for product-related price comparisons of online shops for private and commercial end-users. The website is intended first and foremost for end-users from Switzerland and Lichtenstein. assumes no guarantee for the currentness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.
Liability claims against the operators of relating to damage of a material or non-material type caused through the use or non-use of the information provided or through the use of incorrect or incomplete information are barred as long as no premeditated or grossly negligent culpability on the part of can be proven.

3. Use of the website

All data displayed on is non-binding information that is provided by the operators of the online shops connected to This does not concern all dealers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Rather, it concerns dealers who have an online shop and who are connected to the price portal of
The prices specified are non-binding and are subject to error on the part of the dealers. Due to the different update intervals of the database, the prices for the products displayed may already be outdated.
All prices include the statutory value-added taxes. has no influence over the availability information for the individual offers displayed by the online shops. This information is provided by the individual online shops, and Toppreise merely displays the information without checking it for correctness.
The online shops specify delivery times subject to the current availability on the market.

The operator of makes no purchase recommendations. All products are sorted according to the relevant shipping or product prices of the dealers, whereby the least expensive offer is displayed at the top of the list. Similarly, all top lists displayed on in no way constitute purchase recommendations. These lists serve as information for the user and convey which article from the selected article group was queried most often by other users.

4. Contractual relationships provides complimentary, non-binding information for end-users. No contractual relationships emerge between the user and the operators of through the use of the website of
A contractual relationship can come into being only between the dealer of the product concerned in their online shop and the user.

5. References (Hyperlinks) assumes no liability for the contents of the websites that references. The operators have made sure that the linked pages were free of illegal content at the time of the linking. The operators of have no influence on the current and future composition of the linked websites and therefore distance themselves explicitly from them. This distancing also encompasses references from third parties in the forums, guest books and mailing lists organised by

6. Copyright

All data provided on are protected by copyright according to the German copyright act. Reproducing or changing the website in its entirety or any part of it is forbidden without written consent from

7. Data protection

All data ascertained about the user of the website are intended only for purposes of statistical evaluation and are passed on to third parties only in anonymised form. All data that could lead to conclusions regarding the person of the user are not passed on.
Saved e-mail addresses that the user has specified during queries on or when registering for the newsletter are used only for the purpose in question and are not passed on for use by third parties.

8. General information

German law is in effect for the use of this website. The place of jurisdiction for any legal disputes arising from the use of this website is Memmingen in Germany.

This Internet page displays only price comparisons among different offers. There is no direct purchasing option or support. All information is provided without guarantee. All prices shown include VAT, an advanced recycling fee and the SUISA Swiss performing rights society deduction plus all shipping costs. Brand names, product descriptions, product images and trademarks used here are the property of the companies concerned. uses cookies for personalised content, website traffic analysis and advertisements. You agree to this use by using our website. You can find out more about cookies and options for controlling them in our Privacy policy.