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The biggest discovery for me how well it can fit as a tablet, as there are lot of negative reviews about Windows 8 on the web. I use it a lot as a tablet (keyboard detached), and it is perfect - one needs maybe half an hour to get used to gestures, but that's it - I don't use my iPad since I got this device (and if I get hold on it, I try to swipe down to close apps :-) It is much better for watching movies than iPad - has better screen ratio (no black bars aside as it is the case on iPad), and much better sound quality.
I have also bought a bluetooth (surface edition) Arc mouse - comes handy for serious work and is very portable. Having Office and development tools keeps me up to speed for work, and the possibility to use it at home for entertainment also is quite astonishing. Not to mention all the connectivity features (USB, micro SD card, mini display port) - you don't have to choose what you want to connect and have to buy a non-standard adapter that can be changed with the next release as it is the case with some other devices. No, you simply get standard connectivity possibilities, as you would on a normal laptop.