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Dernière mise à jour : 16.02.2025 20.02 h
Évaluations de produits
Miserable UX
Le produit n’a pas été recommandé
Évaluation d’un utilisateur non enregistré (12.06.2024)
Fiddled with these for months and now giving up and looking for another product. Had Bose wired noise-cancelling earbuds for years and loved them; but these are just miserable to use.

(1) Touch controls can't be disabled, which means almost every time you touch them to adjust them in your ear, you'll stop/stop playback, change the volume, and/or jump tracks. Ditto if anything brushes against them (hair, hood, etc). Lots of complaints on the internet, but still no action from Bose to at least allow owners to disable these features.

(2) The noise cancelling depends on a proper seal, and the least vibration can break that seal - i.e. when the bus hits a pothole, my audio goes wonky. And yes, I've tried every combination of tips and bands with no improvement. So be ready for frequent background static and the like.

(3) Also had regular problems with imbalanced audio - one ear louder than the other - and almost no way to fix it. Ditto sometimes really low audio output no matter what the phone volume was. I tried all the troubleshooting tips on the Bose website, which basically meant I had to delete and re-pair my earbuds every week or so. Sometimes improved things temporarily but never good for any length of time.

(4) No idea why *everyone* is going for wireless these days. Radically reduces the battery life on my phone keeping BT on all the time, and regularly struggled with connectivity issues (i.e. various audio inconsistencies when BT struggles). And I'm always worried about losing them - i.e. sleeping on a plane. Of course you can buy cables to connect them for a bit more security, but why not just get wired earbuds and be done with it!

Classic case of over-engineered technology - Bose should have kept it simple, and this would have been a *MUCH* better product.
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