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Last update: 13.03.2025 20.56

FNAC (Suisse) SA
Route des Moulières 5
1214 Vernier

Company identification number
CHE-103.143.978 HR/MWST
VAT no.:
CHE-103.143.978 MWST

Shipping costs:
up to CHF 30.00 order value: CHF 5.00
from CHF 30.00 order value: free shipping

Payment types:
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*When the map is activated, data is transmitted to Google.
Authorized dealer for
Detailed rating of
Poor (1.9)
Order processing
Poor (2.1)
Price structure
Unsatisfactory (3.4)
Product range
Unsatisfactory (3.2)
Service & support
Poor (1.8)
Unsatisfactory (2.8)
Overall rating:
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20.01.2024, from Ruslan K
This shop was not recommended.
Fnac Genève Rive : service client et service commercial malhonnête et désorganisé, à éviter à tout prix
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Comment from on 17.04.2024
Bonjour, nous vous remercions pour votre message et nous nous excusons pour les désagréments causés. Nous faisons actuellement de notre mieux pour améliorer notre service. Je vous invite à contacte le responsable du magasin à l'adresse mail afin d'échanger avec lui à ce sujet. Meilleures salutations.
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Poor (2.0)
Order processing
Poor (2.0)
Price structure
Unsatisfactory (3.0)
Product range
Unsatisfactory (3.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Unsatisfactory (3.0)
19.01.2024, from marti****************
This shop was not recommended.
Bestellung wurde doppelt belastet und geliefert obwohl bei der Bezahlung zuerst ein Fehler erschien. Zudem haben beide gelieferten Geräte einen deutschen Stecker und können nicht verwendet werden. Kundendienst ist nachdem die Leitung 5 mal einfach beendet wurde per Telefon nicht in der Lage eine Rücksendeetikette zu erstellen - das ginge nur per E-Mail. Zudem unfreundlich und ohne jegliches Kundeninteresse.
Warte nun auf Antwort.
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Comment from on 24.01.2024
Guten Tag. Vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Wir tun unser Bestes, um unseren Service ständig zu verbessern. Wir werden Ihnen die Rücksendeetiketten so schnell wie möglich per E-Mail zusenden.
Freundliche Grüsse.
0 of 1 visitors found this comment helpful.
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Satisfactory (4.0)
Order processing
Poor (2.0)
Price structure
Satisfactory (4.0)
Product range
Poor (2.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Very poor (1.0)
10.01.2024, from ramug*************
This shop was not recommended.
As other buyers have pointed out here, FNAC's stock management is appalling. I made an order of two Sonos Era 100 on the 31st of December with an expected delivery date on the 3rd of January. Ten days after and I haven’t had any updates or news.

I went to FNAC Balexert where I was told there were 20 available units in FNAC Rive but I could only get two of them if I canceled the order and bought them in the shop on a much higher and disadvantageous price. Today I cancelled the order since I am fed up of waiting. This is the first and last time I order in FNAC.

Maybe the website and the shop are independent but nevertheless the image given is really bad to the point that I might not renew my fidelity card with FNAC.

I don’t need an apologetic answer from the customer service. Given other’s experience it is useless. You should however stop offering products you cannot deliver unless you want to continue damaging the FNAC image.
3 of 3 visitors found this rating helpful.
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Comment from on 17.01.2024
Good morning,
We thank you for taking the time to leave us a review, we take your comments into consideration and will use them to improve our quality of service. Best regards.
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Very poor (1.0)
Order processing
Poor (2.0)
Price structure
Poor (2.0)
Product range
Satisfactory (4.0)
Service & support
Poor (2.0)
Poor (2.0)
08.01.2024, from r.hoe*************
This shop was not recommended.
bestellung wurde einseitig storniert.
angeblich probleme mit der internetseite.
scheint system zu haben.
3 of 4 visitors found this rating helpful.
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Comment from on 11.01.2024
Guten Tag, vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Wir werden Ihren Kommentar berücksichtigen, um unseren Service zu verbessern. Freundliche Grüsse.
0 of 2 visitors found this comment helpful.
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Very poor (1.0)
Order processing
Very poor (1.0)
Price structure
Poor (2.0)
Product range
Poor (2.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Very poor (1.0)
23.12.2023, from Lehmann Viktor
Ich habe einen Dji Osmo Pocket 3 bei mehreren Anbietern bestellt, aber nur konnte ihn liefern. Ich habe alle anderen Bestellungen storniert. Vielen Dank.. Weihnachten ist gerettet.
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Very good (6.0)
Order processing
Very good (6.0)
Price structure
Very good (6.0)
Product range
Very good (6.0)
Service & support
Very good (6.0)
Very good (6.0)
21.12.2023, from brueg************
This shop was not recommended.
Lange Reaktionszeit und dann nicht lieferbar, irgendwie sind die Bewertungen nachvollziehbar.
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Comment from on 11.01.2024
Guten Abend,
Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Feedback. Wir tun unser Bestes, um unseren Service ständig zu verbessern. Ausserdem steht Ihnen unser Call Center unter 022 306 45 00 immer zur Verfügung.
Freundliche Grüsse.
0 of 1 visitors found this comment helpful.
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Very poor (1.0)
Order processing
Poor (2.0)
Price structure
Good (5.0)
Product range
Satisfactory (4.0)
Service & support
Poor (2.0)
Satisfactory (4.0)
18.12.2023, from Saragat
This shop was not recommended.
The item discounted price is CHF 1'200. Ordered it at the end of November, on Black Friday, sure it'd be shipped in time for a Christmas gift. Never received anything.

Tried to write an email to the contact address provided on their site, i.e. mail delivery failed, ( timed out).

Contacted the customer services (022 306 45 00) several times. IVR messages in French and German: no Italian (yes, in Switzerland we do speak also Italian), no English voice-responders available.

Waiting for 45+ minutes each call, listening to the same melody (btw, do you know at FNAC that phone systems can vary songs/melodies to not annoy the listener?) than the music gets muted or the call drops.
This afternoon I finally reached out a French-speaking agent: asked him whether we could interact in English or Italian. «Non!», he replied, and I unambiguously understood there would be no way to get any support from him.
I asked a colleague of mine who speaks French to ask the French-speaking agent whether there is the possibility - another FNAC agent or an international phone-line - to have due support in English or Italian.
«Non!» e replied again, laconically. There is nothing at all then. Unbelievable. Year 2023, quasi 2024. Client-centered services? Pfui! E-com maturity? Something to disdain.
I humbly suggest FNAC to either cease selling items in any part of the world but Swiss-French regions and Swiss-German regions or to lift up their services to encompass at least the domestic clients, including the ones residing outside said French and German Swiss cantons.
(let me say that serving also the international occasional clients might be a valid revenue stream)

All these negative events and the fact that (i) the item was never delivered and (ii) the merchant is non responsive and provided no valid contact info as required by Visa Intl. make the purchase eligible to chargeback, the merchant being liable.
I am contacting my bank to cancel the transaction via regular chargeback to get credited back the 1'200 CHF. I'd prefer to have the item and donate it as intended initially, rather than let the money enjoy a journey back and forth through accounts and complaining on this site.

Have an happy Christmas you too, FNAC.
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Comment from on 15.01.2024
Changed on 16.01.2024
Good afternoon. Thank you for your message, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. We will take your comments into consideration to improve our service. We have checked your case with our Team and the Swiss Post has confirmed that you have received the product. We would also like to remind you that our contact email for this type of issues is
We wish you a happy start of the year!
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Very poor (1.0)
Order processing
Good (5.0)
Price structure
Good (5.0)
Product range
Satisfactory (4.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Satisfactory (4.0)
14.12.2023, from Alain***
This shop was not recommended.
Webseite startet immer auf französisch
erste Bestellung wurde ohne Info von fnac storniert, absolut miserabel
Preis war attraktiv
Ich empfehle jedem der bei bestellt, seine Bestellung täglich zu kontrollieren, dies bis die Ware versandt wurde
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Comment from on 15.01.2024
Guten Tag. Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen entstanden sind. Wir tun unser Bestes, um unseren Service und unsere Website ständig zu verbessern. Wir haben in unserem System überprüft, dass Ihre Bestellung korrekt versandt wurde.
Wir erinnern Sie daran, dass Sie auch unser Call Center unter 022 306 45 00 erreichen können, wenn Sie Informationen über den Status Ihrer Bestellungen benötigen. Freundliche Grüsse.
0 of 1 visitors found this comment helpful.
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Satisfactory (4.0)
Order processing
Poor (2.0)
Price structure
Satisfactory (4.0)
Product range
Satisfactory (4.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Unsatisfactory (3.0)
02.12.2023, from robin*****************
This shop was not recommended.
I ordered a drone on promotion and it said that the item would be shipped in 2/3 days. But now more than a week has passed and they still haven't let me know anything. I wrote an email to ask for information and they didn't even reply. Really not recommended. It was the first time I ordered from this Fnac
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Comment from on 06.12.2023
Good morning. Thank you for your comment. We regret the inconvenience, we will take it into account to improve our service. Our customer service team informs us that your order has been cancelled, you should have received an email with the details. Again, apologies for the inconvenience. Best regards.
0 of 3 visitors found this comment helpful.
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Very poor (1.0)
Order processing
Very poor (1.0)
Price structure
Very poor (1.0)
Product range
Very poor (1.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Very poor (1.0)
30.11.2023, from erenba
Hat alles einwandfrei geklappt. Wie es hinsichtlich Support aussieht kann ich nicht sagen.
1 of 1 visitors found this rating helpful.
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Very good (6.0)
Order processing
Very good (6.0)
Price structure
Very good (6.0)
Product range
Very good (6.0)
Service & support
Very good (6.0)
30.11.2023, from dinac******************
This shop was not recommended.
J’ai commandée une apple Whatch le 24.11.2023 , avant dé commander j’ai bien regarder qu’il y ai du stock, c’était ok!
Depuis 6 jour je suis en attente de validation, rien ne bouge. Au SAV m’ont dit que sa peut aller encore quelques jours … de quoi ser leurs promotions si je suis en attente et pour 20 Chf de plus j’aurais l’avoir dans une autre boutique en ligne
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Comment from on 07.12.2023
Bonjour, nous vous remercions pour votre message.
Nous avons transmis votre message au service consommateurs. Il sont au fait de votre situation et vous contacteront au plus vite. Vous pouvez également les joindre à l'adresse suivante :
Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée. Meilleures salutations
0 of 1 visitors found this comment helpful.
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Very poor (1.0)
Order processing
Very poor (1.0)
Price structure
Very poor (1.0)
Product range
Very poor (1.0)
Service & support
Very poor (1.0)
Very poor (1.0)

This Internet page displays only price comparisons among different offers. There is no direct purchasing option or support. All information is provided without guarantee. All prices shown include VAT, an advanced recycling fee and the SUISA Swiss performing rights society deduction plus all shipping costs. Brand names, product descriptions, product images and trademarks used here are the property of the companies concerned.